Provides advanced systems for building placement such as grid placement and segmentation placement (allowing for placing walls).


  • Grid placement:
    • Enable buildings to be placed in a grid on the map.
    • Define the area that each building occupies.
    • Define visual indicators and markers for local player faction placement by showing the status of the cells of the building to place area as well as the cells surrounding it.
  • Segmentation Placement:
    • Place segments of a building type allowing for placing walls on the map.
    • Customize segment placement by defining special buildings types to use in the first or last segment as well as a special building that will replace segments periodically.
    • Place segments on the grid or freely in the map depending on what is enabled.
    • Allow segments to snap into already existing buildings, limiting the possible direction and rotation that the segments will take.
    • Support for placing walls such as converting a wall segment into a gate that can open/close, allowing units to move to the other side of the wall segments.
  • Faction Entity Seller component that allows a faction to sell a unit or a building and get resources for it. Component also works on buildings that are yet to be completely constructed for the first time, allowing to cancel building placement.


  • Add the module to your assets, download it and import it into your project.


Version 2024.0.0 (current)

Released: 01/06/2024

Full Changelog


Released: 03/01/2022

A simple RTS demo game that showcases some of the features the RTS Engine has to offer.

Module-Specific Demos:


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