Replay Module
  • By XCet
  • March 2, 2022
  • One Comment
2 years agoopen1

I think a replay module that allows to watch replays would be a nice addition to the store. Some features I would like to see:
-Changing replay speed
-Resume gameplay from replay (this would be great if a game disconnects during gameplay)
-Replay system keeping track of different game state information (resource of each player, vision of each player, units / buildings each player currently has, etc.)

  • Author : XCet

One thought on “Replay Module

  • Author’s gravatar
    pdtalu 6th August 2022 , 8:07 am

    I think a replay module that allows to watch replays wo – AQW – I think a replay module that all – AQW
    Your cart is empty – AQW

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