Multiple attack components active at once and target priority

For multiple attack components I would like it if a unit could have multiple of its attack components active at the same time. For example I have a tank unit, and I

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Replay Module

I think a replay module that allows to watch replays would be a nice addition to the store. Some features I would like to see: -Changing replay speed -Resume gameplay from replay

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Fog Of War integration pack post discovery

Entities that are visible post discovery shouldn’t be selectable. For example, resources because you should see where they are, but you shouldn’t be able to see their current state. Entities should not

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Hotkey and control groups

Allow units and buildings to get grouped (also units and buildings in the same group would be nice!) to make constructing units and managing the army easier. It would also be helpful

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Improved task queue

The ability to chain commands while holding down a button (usually shift). For example, multiple move orders or the task to construct a building and then go back to harvesting resources. The

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More than one transform in Unit Attack/Weapons tab

the ability to have more than 1 transform in the unit attack weapons tab, scenario: archer by default has bow in left hand, then switches to sword in right hand, but could

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