Tech Tree Module
A module that builds upon the current upgrades system to allow you to create tech trees using a node based editor and handle unlocking elements of the tech tree using a component that can be attached to units, buildings or a standalone component accessible through independent UI elements.
The module would offer basic overridable UI elements that draw the tech tree in the game.
Russell 18th March 2022 , 10:01 pm
This would be very helpful!!
xmonster0 4th April 2022 , 6:20 pm
so could it be setup so that a chosen resource buys the upgrades? or an experience system or both? and could this system have persistence so it could be used in a single player campaign? this all sounds interesting!
Sean Kula 22nd April 2022 , 11:28 pm
Dude yeah exp system kind of like Warcraft 3.
Bo Monroe 2nd May 2022 , 12:55 pm
I would find this useful!
Fred Tyre 9th May 2022 , 7:34 pm
I like this one the most. Almost all of the modules listed help me out in one way or another. The turn-based option might widen RTS Engine’s user base, though. It could be marketed as just a strategy game engine.
Gatskop 19th May 2022 , 5:11 am
Yes, please
adrien.vandambosse 5th August 2022 , 7:05 pm
Yeah good idea 🙂